The University of Makeni is pleased to announce a Call For Papers for its First International Conference

The conference aims to bring together scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to engage in meaningful discussions on pressing global issues, and explore innovative solutions for sustainable development.

Conference Theme:

Justice & Law, Health, Education, and Good Governance for Global Sustainable Development


Justice & Law:

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
  • Human Rights and Social Justice
  • International Humanitarian Law


  • Education and Pedagogical Skills Training
  • Education and Quality Assurance
  • Education During Crisis / Emergencies
  • Inclusive Education and Diversity
  • Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in Education
  • Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
  • Public-Private Partnership for Education and Health


  • Health and Protection Preparedness
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Youths and Drug Abuse
  • Mental Health and Human Development

Good Governance:

  • Governance and Environmental Sustainability
  • Governance, Transparency, Accountability, and Democracy
  • Natural Resource Governance and National Development
  • Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
  • Universities as Agents of Justice and Peace

Conference Format:
Papers should be submitted to:

Hybrid (Virtual & In-Person)

Postgraduate Students: NLe 500
Participants (In-person): $50
Participants (Virtual): $40

Important Dates:
– Abstract Submission Deadline: March 7th, 2024
– Notification of Acceptance: April 1st, 2024
– Payment Deadline for Conference Attendees: April 15th, 2024
– Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 10th, 2024
– Conference Dates (Arrival): June 5th, 2024
Conference: June 6th & 7th, 2024
Departure: June 8th, 2024

Auditorium, University of Makeni

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